Our go-to choice for app databases is Sqlite.
You don’t need to do anything to set up your app database.
Every time you deploy an application, it will be ready for you.
All you have to do is pointing to PREZEL_DB_URL
to use it.
What’s more, database branching is on by default. This means every time you create a preview deployment by raising a pull request on Github, your production database will be cloned. This way, you will be able to test your changes against your production database, while being completely safe because you are simply working with a clone.
Why Sqlite?
The main reason is that an Sqlite database is just a file, which means there is no service overhead. This is of course not a possibility in other platforms like Vercel, where there is no access to a filesystem. But is is not the case for applications deployed in Prezel, where you can take full advantage of it.
You may wonder if Sqlite really scales. The thruth is, it does! You can find more details here.
Besides, the ecosystem around Sqlite as grown notoriously in recent years. Recently, projects such as libsql made possible to expose sqlite databases over the network. Prezel takes full advantage of this to give you remote access to your local databases.